Candy Cnl 145 Manual Lawn

Posted By admin On 25.10.19
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1- ply roofing. 2- ply roofing;, $1.20 roll. 3- pIy roofing. RUBBER ROOFING. SURFACED ONE SIDE. 1- ply roofing. 2- ply roofing.

3- ply roofing, $1.70 roll. RUBBER ROOFING. SURFACED BOTH SIDES. 1- ply roofing.

2- ply roofing, $1.70 roll. 3- ply roofing, $1.95 roll.


EXT RA QUALITY ROOFING. Comp lete with nails and cement. 1- piy 2- ply 3- ply.$.95 1.20 1.50 TRAPS. Victor and Oneida Jump. All sizes, more.

Special price on one dozen or CABLE. Second-ha nd cable. I to li -inch, in lengths 10U to 3500 feet. BLACKSMITH TOOLS.

Second-hand Buffalo blower, forges and tuvere irons. Other blacksmith supplies of all kinds.:;-TJ. Electric motor. A-l condition, cheap. Showcases, all sizes and styles, cheap. Inno or more new and used PIMMONDP.

Candy Cnl 145 Manual Lawn Care

IMSSTON and AT KINS' CROSS-CUT SAWS, all kinds and lengths; also all kinds wood choppers' tools. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 221 FRONT ST.

STEAM HAMMER. Morgan Engineering Co.

Steam liammer, good as new. Write, phone or wire us. BARDE & SONS. The Uoui' of a Mil lion Bargains. 240-242 Front St.

SASH AND DOORS. Kitchen cupboards. High, two glaui doors and three long adjustable shelves in the upper part, three drawers, one flour bin, one sugar bin, mix ing board and a cupboard for pots and pans, with panel door, in lower part; price $35 set up. Or $25 knock down. F cross panel doors $1.P2 Cottage front doors 3.50 Two-light windows 1.24 Spruce flour bins.- 1.75 Prepared roofing 1.35 Our illustrated catalogue No.

8 sent postpaid, without charge, on request. Sell anyone, ship anywhere and guarantee safe livery.

The largest factory in the West selling direct to consumer. 1943 First Ave. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUILDING. We sell building materials at whole sale prices. Everything needed in build ing, and you pay the lowest net prices. We guarantee prompt shipment every where. 5 cross-panel doors.

Front doors all styles'). Kitchen doors, best grade.

Prepared roofing. Window frames. Porch columns.

Plaster board. Send fJW'.ay for complete illustrated cat alogue 4th lowest net prices. 2221 First ave, S.


'Desolvo' clears sewer drain pipes in 20 minutes; pour it In, out she goes; generates 280 degrees heat; works in hot or cold wtter. Trial can 75c, postpaid. Fleming Plumb ing Supply House.

112 4th st., Portland, Or. 25 DROPHEAD sewing machines, complete with attachments, in good sewing order. $H to $25; sewing machines rented $3 per montn; macnines cieanea ana repaired. 152 Grand ave. 3307, East 2351. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, sold for less; no agents em ployed; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 100 3d, near Yamhill St.

APPLES 200 boxes 'extra fancy' and 'fan cy' Garden Valley Spitzenbergs, sizes 80s to 125s; sell any Quantity, very reasonable prices. SU, Portland. At 220 Washington street.

A 10-foot French range, perfect order; 1 portable range in perfect order. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 235 Stark st. At 220 Washington st., in hotel and restaurant equipment. Chairs, stools and tnbles. SUIT to order $10 down, balance $5 a month.

Unique Tailoring Co. 309 Stark, bet. 1 BOOKKEEPER'S desk, 3 filing cabinets, 1 T. 6 chairs, 4 roll-top desks, also safes. Bushong & Co., 01 Park st. IJARG-INS in uniedeemed guns and re volvers, all makes cheap.

ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. 413 Bumside st. Phone Broadway 56 7 4.

HUDSON SEAL scarf, muff, cuffs and ex tra pieces, good condition, $35. (WHISKY BBLS., new and second-hand kegs for sale. Panama Cooperage Co., 212 Front sL J'OR SALE Set of Alaska mink; good con dition; bargain. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. 25.000 feet new H-in, 6x19 steel cable.

Candy Cnl 145 Manual Lawn Mower

20,000 feet new -in. 6x19 steel cable. 22,500 feet new -ln. 6x19 steel cable. 30,000 feet new 1-in. 6x10 steel cable.

2d-hand 1-, 6x19 iteel cable. New 1-in., 6x19 steel cable.

9S00 feet 2d-hand 14, 6x19 steel cable. 2d-hand l-ln. 6x19 steel cable. Write, wire or phone at our expense for prices. Do It quick if you want to get In on some of this line. Wire rope la practically out of existence, so don't delay. BARDE & SONS.

The House of a Million Bargains. 240-242 Front St.

STEAM SHOVELS. DERRICKS AND LO COMOTIVES BOUGHT, SOLD AND RENTED. 2 overbead electric cranes. Span, -ton capacity. 6 tons io and 20-Ib.

Revolving Bucyrus traction shovel. 1 10x12 Tacoma logging engine. 1 lxl0 double drum steam hoist. 1 10x0x12 Fairbanks-Morse tire pump. 1 set 10-ton stiff-leg derrick irons. 1 Ohio traction steam shovel. 2 Western gyratory crusher.

1 30x24 Erie engine. 1-inch galvanized cable. L-lnch plow steel cable. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY, 2i NORTH FIRST ST. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Would you like to improve the looks of your bathroom for $55? 1 5-foot bathtub complete.

1 low-down closet complete. 1 corner, or flat-back, basin complete. PIPE, PIPE, PIPE. New galvanized pipe, from H to 2 inches, at the lowest, possible price. We also have many other bargains that we are offering at a very cheap price. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO., 1S7 FRONT ST. New and second-hand pipe, black and galvanized, f mm -inch to 12-inch.

PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Can you use pi u in bin g of any descrip tion? We need more room for large stock coming in. We wiil save you from 10 to 30 per cent on your plumbing. See us be fore buving elsewhere. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP. 20-27I Front ft.

THOSE wishing LANTZ OIL BURNERS Fhould address orders to HAL E. HOSE, 514 Alder st. Burns kerosene.

Made in Portland. Safe, simple, saving. FINE Edison opera phonograph, solid ma boganv, uprlgnt horn, with 24 indestruct ible records; cost $102; just ltke new. Price $37.50, $7.50 down, $3 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.


FOR SALE, cheap. 500 gallons per hour crea m separator, nearly new. Perfect con dition; also good ri1.inch farm wagon and FPt double harness. First house east of Momlngside Hospital, or N Krtf.

2 Ruud instantaneous heater; runs 2 gallons per minute; price $5'. $10 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Mach ine Co. 331 Morrison, exchange de-pt.

Special sale Monday morning at 22rt Washington street. Bla nkets, comforters, sheets and slips. PARLOR pool table, complete; fine Estey organ; a Iso W bite sewing machine, six -dr wer drop-head Hall rfc Cassiday. 120 First st. A BEAUTIFUL rrossfox fur for sale cheap. Apply at room 200. Menlo Hotel, be tween the hours of i':30 to 12 and 5 to 7:30 P.

WILL exchange new Victrola, Grafonnla or Edison phonograph for piano or organ. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrl- S FECI A L SALE MONDAY MORNING At 22rt Washington st. Com forters, spreads, sheets and slips, and table 1 inens. $35 CRAY chinchilla overcoat.


Slightly worn, n smp at $lo. Just the tiling for a driver or anyone who must be out of door: a great deal.

BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wal lease, cash registers, fix tures; easy terms. FOR SALE 00O feet 10-inch No. 1 1 steel double-riveted slipjoint irrigation or water pipe, weight 13 lbs. Zina Wood, Hillsboro, Or. W e take your liberty bond at full value for new Victrola, Edison or Grafnnola. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison.

At 221 Washington st. First-class feather pillows, ewers and basins, and cuspidores. GOOD as new, rea L leather bound, 12 vol. Paid $40, sell for $10. ART STUDENTS Have six beautiful plas ter models, eve, ear.

Nose, mouth, foot, hand. Will sell, $0. SIX double-faced stock and display coun ters.

3xS feet, cheap. 421 Jefferson St. BEETROOT colored broadcloth coat, gray fur collar, size 3S, worn twice.

Phone Mar shall 5034 today or evenings. At 220 Washington st. Crockery, plated ware and glassware. DIAMOND, jewelry, several pieces, also some solitaires at bargain. R 7b0, Orego nian. FIRST-CLASS 4x0 billiard table, in ex cellent condition.

Also small safe. WILL exchange new Victrola or Grafonola for mandolin-banjo. Hyatt Talking Ma cnlne Co., 331 Morrison. BUR BAN K potatoes.

$1.75 cwt.; parsnips, $1.50 cwt.; carrots, $1.50 cwt.; cabbage, 2 cents per lb. LANTERNS, Frisco cold, blast. 2; long and short globe, $0.50; tubular, $6. SEW uncalled-Tor lady's coat, size 38, com bines a snappy topcoat and real raincoat at reduced price. Wood lawn 1313. YOUR diamonds sold on commission by Belding, the jeweler, 2456 Alder. FOR SALE Stock and table carrots.

Come and see them. Hogg, Jennings Lod ge. MOVING picture machines, films, lanterns, for sale or rent. Service Film Co.

FOR SALE cheap. Victor phonograph with oak horn. Phone Tabor 5114. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the right price.

Broadway 1966. POSTAGE stamps for collectors bought ana sold. 301 McKay bldg. HARNESS, wagon, cow, hogs and new ma chinery. MUST sell my bicycle today. Been drafted.

' BICYCLE, almost new. Will sell for half price. 553 Everett st. HEATING stove, $4; rolltop desk, $15; of fice chair, $5. DAIRY manure for sale.

Portland Garbage Co. Woodlawn 2693. TTRNITTRK WANTED. HIGHEST prices for your furniture. Feld stein's Furniture Co, 106 First st.

HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. LADY'S diamond rings for furniture; couch, rugs. Spring, mattress. 1916 MOTORCYCLE to trade for good fur niture. FURNITURE WANTED.

BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR: USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houses, of fice furniture, furniture stocks. Nothing too hi r too email to handle. Prompt attention and courteous treatment. PHONES MARSHALL 5U81. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 185 to 191 First st near YamhllL BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE SEE US. We wi'i pay cash for all kinds of fur niture, stoves, ranges, carpets, rugs, office furniture of all descriptions; nothing too small or too large for our consideration.

A phone call will bring our buyer at any time. Call Marshall 57.

GEVURTZ FURNITURE STOKE, 205-207 First. SPOT CASH PAID for your old furniture.

We pay the very highest prices of any firm In city for your second-hand furni ture, carpets, stoves, rugs, ranges, etc Just phone us. We will send competent and courteous buyer, who will cheerfully give you aq estimate. SPOT cash for your used furniture. I pay the highest prices for furniture, rugs, stoves, ranges and all other household goods.

Call us for one article or a house full. Phone and a courteous buyer will call.

THE LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE Co. Buys furniture, hotel and restauraut outfits and tools of any description; full value for them assured. ' ARE YOU GOING EAST? Consult us about reduced ireight rates on household goods to all points; fast, through, service. Pacific Coast Forward ing Co.

201 Wilcox bldg. Marshall 2407. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today Main 4627, or 204 First st. PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR USED FURNI TURE.

PORTLAND CLEARING HOCSE. MARSHALL 473. WANTED Used furniture; no dealers need answer. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED J.


ATTENTION, AUTO OWNERS Storage $3.50 and $4; repairing, vul canizing and painting. UNIVERSAL SERVICE STATION.

333 1 1th St. OUR specialty is buying ladies' and gents' cast-off clothing. Highest cash price paid, Wiil call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225 or 209 Madison St.

THE GLOBE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' 2D-HAND CLOTHING, SHOES, ETC. We pay best prices for everything you discard; clothing, furniture, atovea, man tles. Phone Main 734. SECOND-HAND furniture, rugs, range, bed ding, dishes. We pay the highest cash prices. Wilson Auction House, 2d, near Yamhill.

HIGHEST cash prices paid for kodaks and Anasugmat lenses. Iiochfld Camera Exchange, 85 3d St. WE BUY DIAMONDS.

OLD GOLD, OLD jewelry for cash. Name your price. Bring pr mai1. 323 H Wash., bet. Uth and Bdwv.

HIGHEST PRICES for any kind of junk. PACIFIC JUNK CO. F1REPROOOF office safe in first-class condition. Give cash price and full par ticulars.

BEST cash prices paid for used office fur niture. Desks, chairs, files for sale or rent. Pa c i ft c StaLy. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER, BE WISE; GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR 2D-HAND CLOTH'G. COAL heater, 10-inch; oak extension dining table; 9x12 rug; must be good with right price. R 70, Oresoniun.

OFFICE FURNITURE wanted. Roll -top desk, revolving chair and two-side chant. Phone Monday. GROCERY etock and fixtures; highest cash prices paid. Wilson's Auction House. Sec ond near Yamhill. ' WE BUY and sell new and necond-hand suitcases and trunks.

WANT phonograph, piano, for Coos Bay lot. Give or take qinerence.

I aoor WANTED Lady's wheel, good condition. W' A NT ED Edison disc talking machine. I WANTED Vertical letter or legal stacks. AV lh, Oregonian.

4 or 6 instantaneous maler neater. WANTED, diamonds for cash, to 2k. Old gold, platinum, silver. 218 uregoman bldg. WILL give 15c a share for Oregon Home Builders stock.

R ttt4, Oregonian. W A N T E D Farm t ra c to r.

B roc k, 4it:; i2d st. WANTED Used bathtub and toilet.

$100 TO 150 caih for diamond. What have you.' WANTED T Oregonian.

Buy cash register. WANTED A bicycle for a boy of 1 yrs in con (lit ton ana reasonable.

WANTED 2d-hand stock n nd dies, thread pipe 1,1 to 1 inch. OFFICE furniture. Wilson Auction House, 2d, near i a m n n i. WANTED Sawmill equipment, donkey en Kine and line.

2i, oregonian. WANTED Denterfort engine in good con dition. Broadway 2013. $1 WILL repair your watch at Reingold'. Jeweiers, r ulu, uei oeuuisiuii. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Boy with inotorcycb and sidecar for about 2 '.ira.

Work in evening. BOYS as messengers. With or without wheels, can a iso use some alter school Pontal Telegraph Co. 120 Third st. At good wages, with opportunity to learn trade.

Baltes A; Co., Print ter. EXPERIENCED man to work on smalt farm; steady Job and good home for right party. Address P 032, oregonian. Solicitors, special numbers, re ligious publication,:m years old. YuicK cash commission. 7 Stock E x c h. PRIVATE detective to handle ch for me.

Give telephone number. AM 23H, Orego nian. LEAVING for California next week; want man: can make $75 per week. 72 Chamber Com. EXPERIENCED accountant and general of fice man.

Typist, seeks appointments; local references. WANTED A good man over;i5 years old to solicit, good proposition, good pay to the right party.:;5u Morgan bldg.

STENOGRAPHER, must have railroad ex perience and give references. Address H 117. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES.

FOR SALE OR RENT. SERVICE FILM CO., 303 OAK ST. WANTED laundry driver familiar ' with city, who can drive a Ford.

Call 507 East Flanders between 1 and 4. WANTED A boy about 18 year. Allen Drug Store.

Apply Mon day morning. CAN use three women for delivering tele grams.

Apply Monday morning. Postal Telegraph Company. 120 Third st. TEAMSTER for heavy delivery waKon; must know city; steady work for reliable man; good wages.

I 035, Oregonian. A BOY between 15 and 18 to learn print ing business; splendid opportunity. 382 Stark street. ELDERLY gentleman to do light janitor work. Bonnie Brae Apartments.

YOUNG man for col lector, stenographer preferred. V 795, oregonian. WILL give room for kalsomining and win dow washing. MAN and wife for janitor work in apart ment house; ref. IS or IO years old.

Breyman Leather Co. WANTED Young man for delivery in gro cery store. Call 450 Salmon. WANTED An experienced hotel clerk; give age and references AE 214, Oregonian. WANTED Cook for good city trade; must bo well experienced. WANTED Boy over 10, evening work. Ap ply Multnomah Club.

YOl'.VO men for wrapping packages. Ap- pi y Jones' Cash Store. Front fc Oak. STRONG boy wanted at Pacific Tent & Awning Co.

FIRST-CLASS paint salesman to work in store. R i i O, oregonian WANTED A neat young janitor. RATCHET setter and edu-erman. Call Pat terson.

Main 5200, Sunday. DISHWASHER wanted. Multnomah Club dining-room, oi Salmon st. ATi ADVERTISING solicitor. Hippodrome Theater. HELP WANTED MALE. We need the following list, 'and many others.

Note prices offered, which are abso lutely top. All these jobs furnished FREE., Good camp conditions guaranteed. Why buy jobs? $5.25 and $5 per day.

Buckers, $4.75 and $5 per day. Chokermen, $4.75. Railroad construction. $4.75 Ax men, $4.75. Whistle boys. Hook tenders, $0.50 per day and board. Second loader, $5.

Head brakeman, $5. Second brakeman. Head swamper. Logging road laborers, section men and Traders, $3.50 and $3.75 per day.


HAS MOVED TO NEW LOCATION, 247 DAVIS STREET, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. Require the services or an experienced picture trainer, must be able to furnish the very best of ref erences. Apply superintendent's office, seventh floor. Monday morning between 9 and 10.

2 MEN to go In crew starting Monday sell ing tea and coffee, house to house, in towns near Portland. Liberal salary and commission to start; railroad expense paid. This is a chance to make some money. Apply in person only. Jewel Tea Co.

Inc., 21 Grand ave. AGENTS wanted, men or women, to seil our high-grade nursery stock; attractive con tract carries weekly cash advance. ALBANY NURSERIES. 1st National Bank Bldg. WANTED In electric line station, informa tion man and train caller; salary $.S5; qualifications pleasant disposition, good appearance, wide awake and ability to get along with public; give age. Experience and references. YOUNG men and women wanted to pre pare for telegraph service to fill vacancies caused by unusual enlistment, war and signal corps: big demand for telegraph operators.

Call or write Telegraph Dept., 218 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED Logging foreman capable of han dling three Hides, high lead,.red fir, 10 miles of road; none but f irst-class man considered; give reference when answer ing. E 783, Oregonian. YorX(i man as kitchen helper on river boat, good opportunity to learn cooking; $40 per month, board and room.

Apply to steward steamer Beaver, foot of Davis. WANTED Married couple for Valley farm, separate house, garden, milk, fuel; man accustomed to general farm work, relia ble, honest and considerate to animals. WANTED at once, 2 Al automobile sales men to sell new popular priced line in Port t and. Must be experienced. Good proposition to right men. Address AB 722.

BOOKKEEPER, young, 1 to 25 years old. Man with ambition to better himself when ability is shown, glvo phone number, sa 1 ary expected; references. X 7V7, Orego nian. SALES MEN A large Eastern financial in Htitution has opening for representative on commission hsis. A good chance for bust ler.

AG 772, Oregonian. WANTED At once, open-shop, all-round machinists: must be Al, S hours day, time and half for overtime. 520 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. MEN to split cord wood, earn big wages, piece work; fine timber, near town; work all Winter. Clyde Transfer Co., 3S4 E.

NIGHT WATCHMAN Intelligent and de pendable; city experience; wholesale dis trict preferred; references. Box 230, New he rg. WANTED Man and wife to work on farm; man must under stand general fa rm work; no others need apply.

692 Elliott ave. Phone East jrtotl.

WANTED - Young man to learn machine woodworking business; good wages to ptnrt. Giva address and phone number. CAN D y MA K E R for t rem work in w hole sa le f Hctory, stato a ge, who worked for. St., Xa comn. Permanent w ork.

TWO quick, neat a poearing dishwashers, salary $53 per month, six days per wck. Apply to chef, Broadway Hazel wood. 127 Broad wa y. BR LGHT young man about 20 years of aso fr clerical work requiring accuracy; chance fr advancement. Apply in owu handwriting. WANTED An intelligent man about 30.

Capable of doing manual labor; stale age. Experience, add i ess. AN 231, Ore gonian. THREE thorougbly experienced clothing salesmen for out-of-town. Apply 7i Broadway bldg., between 3 and 4 P. SHOEMAKERS, lastert.

Number 5 operators, soleleathor cut ter and sorter; also ot her operators. Address Washington Shoe Mfg. MIDDLE-AGED man. High ideals, unmar ried, to assist In advanced thought work. E 784, Oregonian. HARNESS MAKERS AND CUTTERS WANT ED. JOHN CLAKK SAUULKKY CUM.

UPHOLSTERERS wanted. Permanent po sition.

Washington Mattress Co., Seattle, W ash. SE 'ONI 13 A KER One who understands mixing bread. Apply superintendent's of fice.

Wortman & King. LI NOTYPE operator, speedy, reliable man, Htralght matter mostly, union scale $27.50, steady fit. Idaho Fall:, Idaho. MAN to crop land on shares; team and im plements furnished by us. Handy Bros., 4H Panama bldg. A LARGE Eastern life insurance company ban good opening for a hustler. Cominis rion basts.

ABSTRACTED A-l man, for country of fice. St te experience, what you can do and salary expected. AV 13, Oregonian. W A N T E D Man to do kalsomining In ex chance for room rent at the Princess Ho tel. East 3d nnd Burnide.

WANTED immediately, an all-around printer, $1 week; wire reply. Elgin Re corder, Elgin.

Living with par en tM, good character, willing, for bank work. M 833, Oregonian. MAX to get the wood and bo handy on place of few acres; good home and wages. WANTED Today, two men for outside work! $0u per month to start; advance ment. A.Moiiennour, 71 3d st.

WANTED Party to piow 15 acres, located 1 mile from Lincoln Station; state price. WANTED Timber fallers, piece work; can make very high wages. Western Cooper age Co. WANTED Young man. Well dressed, as col lector; steady work. 300 Stock Exchange building.

WANTED Four young men over 1H for de livery work. $50 to $ftO per month; rapid advancement. BOY wanted for light delivery; one with bicycle preferred. Portland Market, 354 Morrison st.

WANTED Man with teams or tractor to plow 100 acres near Lebanon. Brock, 403 2d St. TO LET Con tract for cutting cord wood, large tract, tine timber, near town. Clyde Transfer Co.

Make furnace fires tnorn ings. GOOD all-around helper in restaurant, Jef-ferson-st.

288 Front st. W ANTED first-class auto repairman, Sandy Road Garage.

24t h and Sandy. WANTED Young lady, employed, to share apt. Call yunnay arter f.m., Mar. It WAN T E D -Yard men. Jones Lumber Co., 1 2S0 M acadam. NON-UNION lather for Pendleton. Phone Woodlawn 574.

Or call 2SS E. DELIVERY, boy wanted, one with' wheel preferred.

354 Morrison st. WANTED Experienced window cleaners. Apply 201 Henry bldg. MACHINIST wanted. Telephone Main 134tJ. 1195 Hood street. EXPERIENCED PRINTING SALESMAN.

WANTED Reliable men to distribute clrcu' lars. 1 Al NURSERYMAN, take pruning, fruit or ornamental. V 70rt, Oregonian. WANTED Chiropodist's set of tools cheap. HELP WANTED MALE, PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Largest on the Cou OPEN TODAY ALL DAY.

IRON MOULDERS. Gang trim merman.

Planer foreman. $4 5o Boom man, 3.73. $3.73 and $4. Mill foreman. Logger of all kinds. $4 to $S.25 per day.

Are advanced when necessary. FARE ADVANCED. EAST out of the rain: 6 young men to -ar5llhlosin business in the PINE of CENTRAL OREGON; level ground, light rigging, sanitary camps, etc.; 3.75 to start; board only $k per week. Fare advanced. FARE ADVANCED. O5ren to handle SPRUCE MATERIAL.i.o) per day up; board in hotels, right in town, no blankets needed.


Fare ad vanced. Cooks, waiters, flunkies, dishwashers.

Etc; all kinds of hotel, res taurant help wanted here. SEE US TODAY. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Largest on the Coast. 233 Burnside Street, STEADY MEN wanted to take exclusive control of good territory in Oregon and Washington. Money advanced weekly.

Outfit and special training free. Experi ence unnecessary. Our active men are making food money. You can do the same.

Clean, haruy, guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppen!sh. LIPMAN WOLFE A CO. Require the aerT- ices of three thoroughly experienced crockery and glassware packers. Muxt be able to furnish the best of references. Apply superintendent's office, seventh floor, Monday morning between d and 10.

WANTED SAWMILL MEN. Contract car loaders and pliers, car tal leyman. Grader behind planer, trim saw, pond man. Yard and miilmen.

4th street, Lewis building. Sunday, 11 to 1 o'clock; Monday, 9 to 11 A. W ANTED Experienced advertising solici tor and ad writer to solicit advertising for specie! New Year's edition. Address Advertising Manager, Oregon Statesmau, feal.-m. MACHINIST, must be familiar with Univer sal grinder, also lathe and bench work; must be quick, accurate; good wages; steady work.

Fred Dundee, Broadway and Flanders. TWO young men. Salesmen for a circula tion and advertising proposition; experi ence not necessary; permanent position w ith reliable house, good money. Call Monday, to 3 1. 503 Oregonian bldg.

WANTED Machinist to operate milling machine: must be able to cut all kinds of gears, be quick and accurate; good wages; steady work. Fred Dundee, Broadway and Flanders. SHIPPING clerk, familiar with typewriting, shorthand not necessary; good opportunity for advancement. Want man who can de velop into salesman or accountant. WANTED Good, live man from 40 to 50 years of age with a knowledge of the hardware business. State experience, age and reference in answering. SALESMAN To sell Ford cars.

Beaver Monday. 6M1 and Madison Sts. WAXTKD Several good solicitors, money every night; some good territory open for t he live ones. M., 325 Fleidner bldg.

Inth nnd Wash. WANTED At once, open -shop thoroughly experienced wood patternmaker. S hours day, time and half overtime. 520 Oregon bMf. 6th and Oak sts. SA LESM AN for men's shoes, etc.

One with general store experience preferred; ref erences required. Lion Clothing Co., Mor rison at 4t h st.

WANTED At once, open-shop. Gray iron foundry molder., 8 hours da y, time and half for overtime. 520 Oregon bldg., 5th and Onk sit.

WANTED Young man under 21 to work on laundry route: must be of cood address. Experience unnecessary. Phone Tabor 81S1 net ore 10 A. Hy appointm e n t. W A NT ED Experienced) man for manscer larft billiard, parlor.

Write, giving experience- a nd reference. 11 and ley's Bil liard Parlor, Astoria. YI'Ni man, bookkeeper for wholeaal houe; fine opportunity for ambftioun and accurate man; state salary. F 713, Orego nian. Fcj.X LKS MA N for city about Jan. 1; mu?t be energet ic.

And reliable; ne with st nva ex perience preferred; good opportunity for right man. A F 75, Oregonian. NEAT appearing married man. With few hours' spare time a day to solicit. Good money lor hustler; steady position. 401 Piatt bldg.

WANT young man who can drive cars to learn auto repairing business; good op portunity for relinblo party. WANTEI First-claims automohilo mechanic, take charge of big repa ir shop. Nono except A-1 man need apply. J.b for & real alcman with a nmn'n pa v. Fall 5o2 Burnside st.

Help Wanted Agents. AGENTS Sala ry or commission. Greatest seller yet. Every user pen and ink buys on sight: 2mi to 500 per cent profit. One agent's sab $t2rt in six rtayn; another $-2 In two hours. FK E K cat a logue. New ChriHtmas goods.

National, military, floral m.-dn 1 lion. Fobs and jewelry. Make f5 to $25 dally.

No xperictiee. World's greatest speeialt ie. Cruvcr Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicn go. $5t WEEKLY up selling Mexican diamonlfi. Exact ly regem b!e genu f ne; pa me r inbnw fire; stand testa; sell at sight.


Repeat or der. Sample cane offer F Ft EE. Mexican Diamond Importing Co., as.

Ruces, jw.m-xiC' J5;t PKn CENT profit selling Jubilee Fpark intensifiers to auto owner. Garagen; banishes spark plu troubles: sells like wildfire: exclusive territ ory. KHKK sample cao offer. Sell money-saving lood.

Household products. Ea rn $25 to $5o weekly. Enormous profits.

Repeat or ders. Kst:hliht-d JSJS. Crnftw fir Reed. 25 I'EIl WEEK, your profit in advance; season here; nelf advertising; I deliver and collect; your own bnnn; guaranteed raincoats; samples free. Don A Skinner. Ohio, Chicago, 111.

WtKKSAVER waterproof aprons. Styles, for adults and children. No laundering.

Dainty, durable. Every home buy.

Write for terms. Co., 7133 Hex, I:vton, Ohio. W E KKLY Some tb lug new. Saves up to r-u'r gasoline.

Nearly every auto own. Greatest seller on earth. Sold on money-back guarantee. Part leu lars free. Stran?ky Mfg. LOCAL and county agent for LANTZ OIL Bl' RNER: replaces wood and coal In the home; cuts fuel bills: works like cas; lib eral proposition. 514 Alder sr.

AGENTS $1 commission every call. Great est household money-saver ever Invented. Housekeepers buy on sight. Samples free.

1121 Ovee bldg., Louisville, Ky. WE pay $'Mi a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. MAKE $100 weekly In small business: new, never advertised before: man or woman can start any w here; full particulars free.

71 Cory block. $ ii'J TO $H a week. Free samples. Gold sign letters for stores and office windows. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co.

I CLEAR $30 weekly in small 5c busi ness; man or woman start anywhere; particulars free. Stockton, Cal. ' the only perfect substitute known for fresh eggs. Salesmen wanted everywhere. Presto Manufacturing Co., Albany. I'VE a new line of Soap.

Toilet Goods, Perfumes, etc. For u cents; lntr profit. Lacas sian Co.

A STRONG ohl line California lite insur ance company has an attractive opening for an up-to-date manager. Negotiations strictly confidential. ST P, AGENTS Hero's moxiey-maker you want, brand new big field, repeats. Particulars free.

Redondo Bench, Cnl. RAINCOATS direct from factory. Agent's price $2.05 delivered. Retail price $.' Agents average coats daily. Lewis Raincoat Co. LEaRN about profits supplying perfume to families by addressing Leffier & Co., 723 Walton.

GAS FIRE In coal stoves from coal oil; cheaper than coal; agents' bonanza. Lib erty Burner Co., Columbus, O. KtlSH KHt.-ii free sample 'Spik and Span. Wonderful new washing tablet. Washes clot hes spotless without rubbing. Tre mendous seller.

20ii, profit. Sample free to boost rales.

HS Newberry, 202 Peoria, Chlca go.? HELP WANTED MALE. Help W antpo Ajrou. Billions in circulation. Gather your share with our vending machines.

Greatest era known for 'Penny Mints.' De Lux Porcelain Enameled Gura Machine and 1000 bal.s of i gum xor 910. Recorders of gum at 74 per mouaand.

Agents wanted lor our ma chines. Evernice Match Venders, De Lux Gum and Peanut Venders, Stamp Venders, etc Good commissions. Phoenix Supply Co., 301 West Grand. Magic Vulc-nizers. ) MEN OK WOMEN Real ness sells-itself iine; over popular-priced necessities honest-to-good-2'0 lightweight pay 100 per cent commission; ti a. Da; y can be made experience re at start; no capital; no quired; enormous demand sells fast; Dig repeaters; valuable territo ry open; all or outfit furnished will do.

IOI 6 American spare time; elegant agents free. Write today; postal Felt man. Sales manager, bldg.

AGENTS make big profits handling our 'Fast Selling Holiday Post Cards.' 'Nov elty Signs.' 'Holiday Decorations,' 'Pen nants.' 5uuo varieties. Demand un limited. Write today for Free Catalog. SULLIVAN CO., 1123 Van Buren su.

$60 A WEEK to special agents to travel by automobile and introduce aoO-candlepower coal oil lantern' for farmers, dairymen, hucksters, gardeners, contractors, army camps, etc. We furnish auto free.

Write for particulars. 6u4u Drew st. START YOU IN BUSINESS.

Furnishing everything; men, women. 30 to 2oo weekly e iterating 'New System Specialty Candy Factories.'

Home, smalt room anywhere; no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime. Booklet free.

Rugsdale Co., Box S. B tTT ER 4c pound. Produced by Pilot But tcr Maker.

Enormous money-saving in vestment. Housewives delighted. Eager buyers. Wild excitement wherever demon strated. Demand enormous.

Outfit free to workers. Pilot Butter Maker Company, Desk 1. MADE-TO-MEASURE RAINCOATS We have f inert t line on the market. Make $2 to $u every sale.

We deliver and collect. Prepay all charges.

Sample outfit free. Write quick for liberal proposition. DAVI CO RAINCOAT CO., 34tu Dougias blvd., Chicago. AG 10 NTS at once. Sell 30c per month hoa pital tick e t s.

301 Board of Trade. Help Wanted Salesmen.

THE Kemper-Thomas Co., of Cincinnati, has protected territory on a liberal commission contract for a live specialty man who can sell advertising of the highest quality. Our H1 line of exclusive and copyrighted cal endars and monthly service will be ready in December, along with our heavy line of cloth, leather, celluloid and metal nov elties. Address at once, with all informa tion and references. Dis trict sales manager, 1213 East Madron at., Portland. SALESMEN Experienced or inexperienced, city or traveling: send for our free book 'A Knight of the Grip.'

And list of open ings. Immediate employment service ren dered members. Address nearest office. Nat'l Salesmen's Training Assn., dept.

311, Chicago. San Francisco. SALESMAN Wanted for territory in Ore gon handling standard specialty; earn in us;;o00 to $4mh may be expected; right man can arrange for suitable guarantee; prefer man with car; give age. Experience and full information in tirst letter.

1031 Mills bldg. San Francisco. EXPERIENCED calendar and novelty sales man, va luable territory open, est a bits bed trade, complete line.

Liberal commissions. Goods made on Coast, 14 years in busi ness. State experience. References re quired. Quick action. I WEEKLY can be earned peiling our advertising fans exclusively or as side line.

Selling season now on. Every mer chant a possible customer.

Samples light. Terms liberal. Fan Dept., Kemper Thom as Co., Cincinnati.

SALESMEN WANTED for permanent trav. Ell'ig position selling staple well-known line direct from factory to merchant. Iood men with good pay with a desire to better present position. Write AV J 00. FOR Oregon; balance ea r and net; per manent posit ion: old house sellinK staple line on exceptional terms; bisli commis sions with $3.' I week ly ad va m e, s.i is manager.

Suite l7o, bi0 Woodward, De troit. FOR st rong I ine ladies' lea r her belts and pocket books ret a II trade. I of,r rommiFsinn. Respnnsibl party. Deposit for &am pb s. Leather Goods Co., 12 W. WANTEI) statesman.

011 Impor tant special advertising work, for few weeks. Annwers held in confidence. SIDE-LINK salesmen can cai u big money selling nw proposition. No samples to airy. Ad-Lie Co., Chic eo. SALESMEN wanted to erry our line of whips and swagger sticks; nmw exclusive ten i tory to b.- bad; references' required.

Independent Whip 'o. SPECIALTY salesmen wanted; salary and expenses: drug turn prrferred.

Hotel Benson, Sunday, between 2 and A. SPECIALTY talesmen can ma- big tiinnev; pee inventor at 702 Spalding building. 2 to 5, lor districts; straight conniiii sion.

EXPERIENCED salesman for a nw reg. Littering device; no opposition. V.V., Ore gon!: n. To visit schools: $1o salary, liberal rommifudnn. Co., Iioo Wabash ave. SA LKSM A N A ba ritrr to tra vet in ash.

And C 1., to sei I n. Spec in it y in his line. WANTED A paleMitian; ni an ' Job with man'H pay. All oi2 Burnsblo ireel. Pi ITV A T IO N ft WANT F n V K M A I. LIPMAN, 'WOLFE & CO. Require the serv ices of five experienced Icswomi-u for their art needlework department.

Must be able to furnish the bcl references. A pply superintendent's f f ice. Scveiit )i floor,' Monday morning, between l and lu. WANTED Experienced woman to manage rooming-house; no children. Weleu, Astoria. PORT LAN D Stenographic School Colum bia building.

Prepare for position lu three months. WoM AN w anted as woman cook's helper; wages $;; small crew; place near BrUlal Veil; tran.-port at ion I urnished. Main x2- HoCSE K KKl'KH, lady accompanied by child preferred, good home, light work. Y 27, oregonian. CHORCS C.I RLS II Ig best w 'ages, long en gagements, uo traveling.Apply Casino Theater. WANTKD Experienced wal trews; top wage. Bradford's Depot Restaurant, lKh nd Ilovt.

STKNOGRAl'Il K R at moderate weekly al nry. Good ti'Itcr; t-hance for advance ment. WHOLKSALK house wants yuuug lady sto nographer to help with ofiice work. AA drsi in handwriting. All til, uregoniun.

AN V girl in need of a t rieno. Appiy to Hie Salvation Army Rescue Home, ilJ2 Kant st. N., or phone Last WANTKD Competent bookkeeper-stenographer: pood place for right party. WANTKD Middle-aged lady, general house work, sm.iil famiiy. Call 1110 M out ana ave. IF you can meet the public and have sales ability and want to better your position, address H 7t:i. TWO saleswomen to reprt-sent Eastern firm: permanent position: good pay.

Call Broad way -ltso. WANTED A second girl for work in a prlate family. B2S liaw thorna ave. W ANTED Experience chambermaid. Ho tel Bradford, loth and Hoyt. WA NTEi Chocolate dipper, good wages.

The Spa Confectionery. WANTED Chocolate dipper at once. Cat'n Fiddle, 143 Broadway. WANTED Chambermaid. Portland Surgi cal Hospital. Broadway l2t;t. WANTED Young girl to work in restaurant.

35 North 0th street. LADIES WANTED FOR HOLIDAYS. Si TO $4 DAY. ROOM 502-3 COLUMBIA BLDG. PRIVATE bvne tor children 3 to 12 years oid: 13 years' exp.

WANTED Two girls to help share apart ments. Call Main 1027. WANTED Chambermaid. 1751 Derby st.

W 00 ti 1 a w n 2i 1 3. WANTED Good stenographer, general of - fice work. WILL care for children days or wenings. Cull Woodlawn 4i:iM.

LADY wants lady employed f -r roommate. Board if desired. WANTEI Experienced laundress. Apply M:i In 77:ttt.

WANTED Girl to learn beauty culture. Po sit ion when through. 427 Washington.

WANTED Housekeeper for man and wife.:tsii Wash. Marshall 4 727.

Yol'NO woman, cook and wait on lunch counter; small place. 24Q Burnside st. COOK for shingle mill. AE 222, Oregonian. ' WOCLD like eongen lal roommato in mod ern apartment.

WANTED Experienced machine operators for sack patching. Apply 171 Front. 8ITt'ATIONS WANTKD FEMAL& WANTED Girls from 16 to IS years of age to do general factory work. Apply la person. AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE CO., Bag Manufacturers, 522 Hoyt Street, Cor. TUTOR with several yeara' successful teach ing experience in public school, at least 25 years old. To take entire charge of ed ucation of unusually bright boy and girl of 4 and 12 years of age, respectively.

As w-ill travel extensively, must have no in cumbrance. Plea-sing appearance and adaptiOUUy essential; state qualifications fully in reply, age. Education, personal de scription. Dill, t5 Layman ave. Require the ser-r- icea or several thoroughly experienced saleswomen for all departments, must be able to furnish the very best of ref erences. Apply superintendent's office, seventh floor, Monday morning, between u and 10.

STENOGRAPHER, railroad experience pr- lerrea. T an arter 2 P. TO, Wel.a Fargo bldg. THREE ladies for some special child weliare work: must be well educated, between 2S and 45. In position to travel: splendid op portunities: liberal remuneration. For par ticulars call at iill Roththild bldg. Be tween U and 5.

WASHINGTON mfg. Corporation, with large profitable Government contracts, needs services of experienced business man of good, address to Interest additional cap ital. Will stand strictest investigation. Til HEE ladies for some special child wel fare work: must b well educated, be tween 2S and 45. In position to travel; splendid opportunities; liberal remunera tion.

For particulars call at 311 Koth child bidg. Between 3 and 5. PRACTICAL woman, in good health and of mature years, to handle our business in Eugene: arrangements liberal; permanent; references; '01 olficu work. WANTED Unincumbered.

Middle-aged housekeeper for widower with 5 m owl grown children: $15 per month for Win ter. Full particulars to C. Van Hiue, Cor vallis. BE I N DEPEN DE N T. L E V R N BEAl'TY Cl'Ii'l'KE. Fl' LL COCRSE IN' WEEKS. WE HELP OI K PCPILS GK.T A POSITION.

VOIR OPPORTUNITY. ROOM 5o2-:i COLUMBIA BLDG. ATTRACTIVE young woman, experienced, between 2o and;;o years of ape. To dem onstrate fruit juices. Apply 7i4 Broad way bldg.

Bet w eon 2:oO and o:u0 P. WANTED Good Christian man and wif t man employed, io rent cosy home and board and care for invalid owner; desir able place for suitable people; references given and required.

M Vt3, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman or man and wife can have home anil smll wages in ex change for light services or better wages if willing to care for little giris. Refer ences exchanged. WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at room It 03 Police Headquarters, 2d and Oak sts., will turnish information, give protection and assistance free to woa and girls. Interviews confidential. FREE sample.-aste offer.

Sell money-saving foot), household products. Earn $15 to $5 weekly. Enormous profits. Repeat orders. Established lfS. Crofts & Reed. REFINED middle-aged housekeeper, take complete charge, for one in country near Portland.

Easy work, small wagon. Give phone nd address first letter. F:S, Oregon ian. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem onstrate and seil dealer. $75 to $151 icr month. Railroad fare iaid.

Goodrich Drug Com pa ny, I pt. VOl'NG lady lor payroll and general office work; prefer one who can use typewriter; Male your experience, and salary.

N SM, M'egonian. INTELLIGENT young lady of nod appear ance as H-sis'diu in photo stud io. M ust know 1 he work or have experience in sell ing. Ca 1 table ladies to tra vet. Dem onstrate and sell dealers, $75 to $15b per w e.ik. Rail row d fa re p,ti-t. I uiotH h Drug Coin pa ny, I pt.

W A N Y E D Well educated woman to tak permanent position with largo publlimnf house; state age. Education, experience, nhone number. EXPERIENCED saleswoman for stationery depart mem. A ppl v superintendent's of-M-e.

Woitman A K n iz. WA N T ED A 1 e w cood solicitors lo work pari or ail of the time; Rood pay lor t hose w ho cn set refill is. Prudential Hnrit Association.:5 Morgan iidc. Y UNG widow er.

With one girl. 10 year of age. W ant.- houisc keeper, not over.; no objection to one child. T 2S2, Oiego nian. Fl Ftenocrapher. $; two book keeper! Nnd stenographer??75: one Me fiogra pher and assist a nt hook keeper, $t0.

3ul Northwest Bank Bldg. K X PERI E N C E D S A I, EH WOM KNfor h n 1 -kerchiefs. Toilet good drugs and toys. Apptv superintendent'.'

VVnrtman Ar King. V A NT ED Iudv cashier and stenographer. Must htve hct of reference. Apply t rom 2 to 4 P. At 'Bohemian Restau rs nt. I.I A RLE woninn to ansiat with linen-room;nd some chamber work; good borne for n ht pci 00 n.

Apply house keeper. Nortonu Hotel. W A NT ED Lady mu.icia ia on all instru ment!, for syinplionv rc he t ra: Kive d dreps and plume number. L 70 J, OreRO 11 ia n. Office- Rirl w anted for creamery; numt be uood at fiRuren and b' able to wm on ty pew 1 iter. Lo; B 1 ni'T'f Tah-r -4 til 7.

WANTEI Vmiuj; icirl or lady nst a partner- in v;i title vi lie to a -t with a you n if Hawaiian hoy entertainer. M nln 7 T-'o. Between ami 12. STEN't iGliAPH EK Experienced in abstract work preferred. Ri.ukanian Title Com pany.

51 ti t'ha 111. GIKLS w anted t work in p;i per box fac tory.

Stcttler Mfg. Co., cast end of st '-el b ridge. ' Wacteci omeottc. EI.O EK I-Y iady lu t t ke re of boy and do some housework; 0 home nights; no tfun d a y work;. W A NT EI A Kirl for Reneral housework; mall family; Rood wages.

72tl Pat ton road. Telephone Ma rgha: 1:'.:i2s. W A NTEI - i rl to do cook in k and down ptujrs work; references required. Call 7 2b n t.

W A NTEI ij irl for general housework; niyt be Rood cook. Mar- sb.-k 1120. WANTED Woma 11 to cook on a farm. 3 adults, fair wsrw. Iloom 407, Perkins Hotel. W A NT EL An e perienced Rirl for general housework: good wage. Apply 1435 Jial mont st.

WANTEI Elderly lady to help with th housework for room nnd board and small wages. Wood la wn 422. WANTED A girl for general housework. Call lit-fsro 2:51 P.

M., or after ti P. WANTED An experienced girl for cooking and housework; small famil y; w ages $50. Phone East ii:;7 Monday morning.

WA NTEI Elderly lady to keep house lor young man in country; good home; $S & month. 47.4 51th st. WANTKD Girl for general housework, fam ily of three. 34 Grand ave. Near Broadway.

NEAT young girl to assist with housewoik. W A N T E 1 Y on n g Ca-ll 3i4 E. Lady a '.o use keeper, near Hawthorne. RELIABLE woman for g-neral housework;:: in family.

GlIiL to assist in housework; no washing. Small family; N TED Small family desires maid at Kood wages. Call mornings.

J A PA NESE girl to keep house lor gen tie in an. Orego n i a n.

GIKL wanted to assist with housework. 674 Northrup street.

UIP.L for general 145 N. Housework; good wages. Broad way 3132. GIKL wanted, to assist with housework. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily Tf 3 adults. 73t Kearney wt. GIKL for cooking and general housework.

5(MI Taylor st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Sell wood 154 4. GIRL or woman, not over 3d, light house work, small family. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. Call East 313S.

GIRL for cookin sr and general houssworlc $:15 a month. 805- t;lRL for general housework. WANTED A mother's helper. Main GiitL to assiat with housework.