Create Thumbnail From Pdf C#

Posted By admin On 16.10.19
  1. Create YouTube thumbnails that grab your audience's attention. Try Canva's free, easy design editor with hundreds of templates. Make it impossible for your audience to scroll past your YouTube thumbnail without having a click and a look.
  2. Hi All, Is there any way for me to get a thumbnail image of a document(.doc.xls.pdf)? Can I create the thumbnail during the upload process and then just reference it?

Recently, I got a chance to create thumbnail images from the live URL. The URLs were not of images but of some DOCX file, some XLSX file, or PDF file.

We don’t have any custom library which can directly generate the thumbnail from a live URL. So, here, we will learn how we can customize our code to generate the thumbnail in.NET. Getting thumbnails from images is not a very tough task; we can directly convert our image to Bitmap type and generate a thumbnail. So, it’s very simple and lots of articles are available there already on the Internet. But getting thumbnails from live URLs (Docx, Xls, and PDF) is not tough but tricky. We have to make some extra effort to complete the thumbnail generation from these URLs. For this demonstration, I am going to use ASP.NET MVC project and we are going to create the thumbnails from Microsoft Office Documents and PDF as well.

These documents can be Microsoft Word document or Microsoft Excel worksheets or even PDF docs. To create a new project, just follow the following instructions. Open Visual Studio 2013/2015/2017. Go to File New Project. From the 'New Project' window, select “ASP.NET Web Application”.

How to create the first page of the pdf file to thumb nail image. Saturday, May 04. Please try this project: FromImage(thumbnailBitmap)) { // Draw rendered pdf image to new blank bitmap thumbnailGraphics.

Browse the location to save the project and provide a suitable name and click 'OK'. From the next window, select MVC as a template and click 'OK'. The project is ready for demonstration.

To generate a thumbnail from the live URL, we will follow the given instructions. Download file in PDF format on temp location.

Convert PDF file to a Bitmap image. Generate a thumbnail as Bitmap from the original Bitmap image. Save it to the preferred location. Mix dj pro ipa download. To show on View, convert it to Base64String and bind with the tag. Above, we have defined a couple of things which need to be completed to generate a thumbnail from the live URL and save it to any location or show it on the View.

It’s very easy to convert a PDF file into the image rather than converting any Microsoft Office file. So, here, we will first download these files at a temporary location and then convert these into PDF forms. Once the PDF is available, we can generate the image from that. If you try to convert Microsoft Office files to PDF directly without Microsoft.Office.Interop, then it will be corrupted and the thumbnail will not be generated. So, basically, we cannot directly convert a live URL content to Bytes or Stream. To do that, we have to generate a PDF and perform the thumbnail task.


Here, we are going to generate a thumbnail from three different types of file - DOCX, XLSX, and PDF. To download and generate PDF from DOCX and XLSX, we will use the “Microsoft.Office.Interop”. Following is the class name as “TypeConversion” which will help us to download and convert the file type from DOCX, XLSX to PDF at the temporary location from the live URL. //Export word document file to pdf format. wdDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat(outputTempFilePath, Word.WdExportFormat.wdExportFormatPDF); And, for Microsoft Excel, we should open the workbook of the Excel document and then export it to PDF format. NOTE Be careful when using Microsoft.Office.Interop COM components because it generates memory overhead. So, leaving the method, be sure you have disposed of non-required COM component instances as we do in the 'Finally' block.

We should release all the memory objects until all the referenced COM components disposed of, as follows. This is a best practice and it’s recommended by Microsoft. To download a live PDF file, we use WebClient which has a method as “DownloadFile” that takes two parameters - the first one is source live path and the other one is where the file will be downloaded.

Here, we don’t need any file type conversion because we are working on the PDF itself to convert it to a Bitmap for thumbnail generation. NOTE Using WebClient, we can download any type of file in the same format.

C# create pdf with images

Above, we are done converting our live URLs of DOCX, XLSX, and PDF to a local file as PDF. Now, we can move to generate thumbnails from the temp PDF file. Now, we have a PDF file saved locally at a temp location. To generate thumbnails from these PDF files, we have created one more class as “Thumbnails” which has a method “GetThumbnail” that takes the source path of temporarily saved PDF file and returns a Bitmap image as a thumbnail. Here, we are using the default width and height of the thumbnail image as 150px and 180px respectively.

You can customize this code and pass the width and height as a parameter. In this method, first, we are generating an original Bitmap image from a temporary PDF file and then resize and compress it to export thumbnail based on the image size. To directly generating the Bitmap from PDF file as an original image, we are using “Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.ShellFile” which takes source path of PDF and returns an output as a Bitmap image. Following is the whole source code for the thumbnail class.

C# Create Pdf With Images

Closed as off-topic by, Jun 22 '15 at 19:54 This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:. 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, and what has been done so far to solve it.' – Kevin Brown, durron597, rene, TylerH If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the, please. Matthew Ephraim released an open source wrapper for Ghostscript that sounds like it does what you want and is in C#. Link to Source Code: Link to Blog Posting: You can make a simple call to the GeneratePageThumb method to generate a thumbnail (or use GeneratePageThumbs with a start and end page number to generate thumbnails for multiple seperate pages, with each page being a seperate output file), default file format is jpeg but you can change it, and many other options, by using the alternate GenerateOutput method call and specify options such as file format, page size, etc.

I think that might do the trick easiest. What it can is to generate the same thumbnail that Windows Explorer does (and that is first page), and you can chose several sizes, they go up to 1024x1024, so it should be enough. It is quite simple, just create ShellObject.FromParsingName(filepath) and find its Thumbnail subclass. The problem might be what your server is. This works on Windows 7, Windows Vista and I guess Windows Server 2008. Also, Windows Explorer must be able to show thumbnails on that machine. The easiest way to insure that is to install Adobe Reader.

If all of this is not a problem, I think that this is the most elegant way.