NASA's Blue Marble: Next Generation images show Earth in true color. The images show how the surface would look to a human in space if our world had no clouds and no atmosphere. NASA's Terra satellite collected these images. There is one Blue Marble image for each month of the year 2004. These images allow us to explore changes on Earth's lands over time. Notice how the patterns of green (trees and plants), brown (exposed land surface), and white (snow) change from winter through spring, summer, and fall.
To learn more about the development of NASA’s imagery of the Earth as a whole, read the History of the Blue Marble. Blue Marble: Next Generation offers greater spatial detail of the surface and spans a longer data collection period than the original. The original Blue Marble was a composite of four months of MODIS observations.
. (University of California, Santa Barbara Map and Imagery Laboratory) Catalog contains metadata for 2 million remote sensing images and 500,000 aerial photographs.
Search by geographic location using either an interactive map or direct input of geographic coordinates, keyword, type of resource, and format. Coverage is worldwide but emphasis is on southern California. (US Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center) Identify and download and from USGS, NASA and NOAA. Some datasets are worldwide and some are limited to the United States.
Nasa Blue Marble Image Download
Determine spatial coverage by defining coverage on a map, entering geographic coordinates, or entering a place name. (NASA) Directory of data sets and services relevant to global change research. Contains metabata descriptions for more than 25,000 datasets and data services from over 1200 government agencies, research institutions, archives and universities worldwide. Includes over 2000 imagery datasets.
(US Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center) Search and order tool for selected. Using a graphic map display, one can select any area of interest and immediately view all available browse images within the USGS inventory for the specified location. (NASA) Search engine that simultaneously searches one or more of NASA's databases that contain over 450,000 online images and photos.
Search by keyword or browse to find pre-selected images that are considered to be the 'best of.' For a specific topic.
The NIX site also provides links to 2.6 million online images that are found in other that are not indexed with the basic search engine. These collections are grouped by broad topic. (Natural Resources, Canada) Contains metadata for over 3 million Canadian air photos dating back to 1935. Search by place name, geographical coordinate, National Topographic System map number, or Roll and Photo number. Requires free online registration. (Remote Sensing Core Curriculum).
(Bakker). (Spot Image) Catalog of over 8 million images taken by French SPOT satellites. Search by placename, interactive map or geographic coordinates.
Limit by date and other technical criteria. Each image include a thumbnail image. Requires free registration to search the catalog. (World Wind Central).
(American Museum of Natural History. Biodiversity Information Facility). (NASA Earth Science Data and Information System) Gateway for searching and ordering Earth science data from NASA's Earth Observation System Data Information System and Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs). Included in the gateway are earth, ocean, and atmospheric science data obtained from EOS instruments such as MODIS and MISR, as well as other satellites such as Landsat and TRMM. (Technical Research Centre of Finland). (AMCE Laboratories) Use a Google Maps interface to navigate to a location anywhere in the world, or enter an location name (US street address or zip code, city name anywhere in the world or latitude/longitude. Display options include a street map, topographic maps (US only), aerial photography (US only), satellite imagery, and NEXRAD color imagery.
(Microsoft) Interactive mapper allows one to zoom to any location on the Earth and display satellite imagery and for selective areas detailed aerial photography and bird's eye views. One can also download and install a 3D viewer.
See for 'mashup' and other API developments. (Library of Congress Geography and Map Division) Exhibition that showcases Landsat 7 images which have been selected for aest hetic rather than scientific value., and (USGS Earth Resource Observation and Science-EROS) Collection of 'beautiful sights or images that stir the imagination.' . (Chelys) Provides a daily 'photorealistic image' generated from satellite data that highlights environmental and cultural features of the earth. Images are categorized and searchable. (US Geological Survey) Landsat imagery and associated descriptive text that shows examples of environmental change over time in the areas of agriculture, forestry, urban change, deserts, human and natural disasters, geology, water and wildlife.
(NASA) Database containing over 1 million images of the earth and spaceflight shot by NASA astronauts since 1961. Search using a clickable map, geographic region, mission, photo number and other parameters. Also includes several special collections of outstanding photos of, and. (Short and Blair) 1986 (print copy available in Docs NAS 1.21:486) Consists of 237 plates treating geographic regions where particular landform themes are exemplified. Commentary, photographs, and locator maps accompany each plate. (University of Maryland) Includes free downloadable satellite images of the Earth. Image datasets includes Landsat, MODIS, ASTER, STRM and other imagery.
Images can be viewed online in jpeg format and downloaded in geotiff format. The allows you to find images by location using a map interface, Landsat row/path or product attribute. (Google) Downloadable program from Google that streams data layers over the Internet. The base layer is detailed 3-D satellite imagery for most locations throughout the world.
For further information see. (HowStuffWorks). There are many.kml thematic layers developed by individuals that can be added to the basic Google Earth program. See and for some of the available thematic layers. (Google) The basic view includes road maps, satellite imagery and terrain maps for the world. In addition there is detailed street view imagery and traffic information for selected metropolitan areas in the United States.
The. blog tracks 'mashups' web sites that add additional information to Google Maps. (ESRI) Presents low-resolution satellite imagery for the world and high-resolution (1m or better) imagery for the United States and selected other areas. Imagery can be viewed with the default ArcGIS map viewer or ArcGIS Explorer. (National Geographic Society) Interactive mapper allows one to zoom to any location on the Earth and display satellite imagery and for selective areas detailed aerial photography and bird's eye views. One can also download and install a 3D viewer.
(NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service) Contains high-resolution, detailed remote sensing imagery of significant environmental events, including dust storms, fires, floods, volcanoes, severe weather, snow cover, and tropical cyclones,. (Florida International University High Performance Database Research Center) Searchable database that contains one-meter resolution USGS color digital orthophotoquads for the United States. Use the navigation wheel to 'fly over' over the earth's surface as if traveling in an airplane. Click on a location and retrieve information on demography, crime, current weather, environmental pollution, natural hazards, schools, hotels and home sales. Search the database using a placename, address, or zip code. Contains commercial aerial photography and satellite imagery covering the entire world.
Available resolution varies depending upon location as well as type of imagery-color, infrared, B/W, and orthophoto. Highest resolution available for purchase is one foot. Highest resolution available for free on the Internet is eight meter. Imagery is provided by GlobeXplorer, DigitalGlobe, LandVoyage, i-cubed, EarthSat, and Pixxures. Search by geographic coordinates or city for the entire world; or by zip code, county or address for the United States. (NASA) Provides access to over 1400 different satellite images of the earth. Categories include physical features, human impacts, types of sensors, and geographic locations.
(US National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Free downloadable program from NASA interacts over the Internet to provide detailed 3-D satellite images for locations throughout the world. High resolution Landsat imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data are the core imagery. NASA Blue Marble, MODIS and GLOBE imagery; and USGS topographic maps, 1-meter imagery of the US and.25 meter imagery for major US urban areas are also available. Data layers for geographic coordinates, place names and country borders can be toggled on and off. The provides an explanation for using World Wind and introduces the different data sets available.
provides useful help, a wiki and interesting images that users have found. Currently the program is not supported on the Macintosh OS.